2023 Fuel Good Day Results
October 13, 2023

🌟 Fuel Good Day Results Are In! 🎉

Together, we've made an incredible impact on Fuel Good Day! 🚗✨ We're thrilled to announce that a grand total of $𝟔,𝟒𝟓𝟓.𝟑𝟎 was raised, all thanks to YOU and your incredible support! 🙌💕

Estevan Rangers/Girl Guides: $3,058.50 
Expressway Family Centre: $1,067.10 
Carlyle Cubs Learning Centre: $2,329.70 

Every cent goes towards empowering these fantastic organizations and supporting their important missions in our community.  From empowering young leaders, enriching family lives, to providing top-notch outdoor play areas - your contributions will make a lasting difference. 

Thank you for being a part of Fuel Good Day on Sept 19th and for showing your amazing generosity. Let's keep spreading the joy and making our community a better place, one fuel-up at a time! ⛽🌟

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